#1 2021-08-30 22:20

Registered: 2020-01-25
Posts: 103

Anyone received their international mail??

Just wondering if orders from overseas are still coming in over lockdown ?
Wondering if anyone who ordered before lockdown has received anything   (Not lsd)
Due to the slight shortage of staff It could lead to either massive delays or safer small quantity orders getting through customs  faster but still delays Via NZ post .

#2 2021-08-31 19:50

Registered: 2021-03-22
Posts: 14

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

been waiting over 3 weeks now (order 1 week before lockdown) thinking possibly seized but have hope it just covid delays

#3 2021-09-11 23:10

Registered: 2021-09-11
Posts: 5

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

5 weeks here . lost last 3 before that , never had any issues before

#4 2021-09-12 12:20

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2021-07-05
Posts: 21

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

Recently lost two of two to customs, got more inbound so fingers crossed it was just bad luck.

#5 2021-09-17 13:10

Registered: 2021-02-08
Posts: 28

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

Two whilst locked down at level 4 and rapid delivery too being just 14 days from Europe... smile

One on way now 9 days so far, expecting it next week, hopefully.

I only order sporadically. At a previous address customs seized several packages (ket mostly) but the cheeky buggers also let some through. Discovered they had spys watching my property as a friend had observed them ducking down in their cars to not be seen by me when i went to check my letterbox. They obviously worked out i wasnt dealing because i wasnt and dont.

I traveled offshore and when i went through customs clearance to leave NZ i noticed an officer looking at me unusually and conspicuously. I didnt think much of it and forgot about it until my return when they detained me at the airport for a meticulous search of all my baggage even threatening a body search. This lasted many hours as they tried to break me.  Eventually i was so stressed my heart rate went through the roof and had to close my eyes and shut down otherwise felt like would have a heart attack!

i had nothing on me and refused to confess, eventually they let me go.

They knew and I knew they knew and they even tried to play it down for a confession saying "We know you are just a user and not dealing" but I played dumb, what else would you do, confess and be busted by your own confession like so many people are? Hell no! They tried lots of tricks but i wouldn't buckle.

Being a user not a dealer they obviously wanted to scare me into a confession or at least not importing the small amounts i was trying to for personal use.

Fortunately they didnt stick their hand up my arse even though they threatened to, I called their bluff, just shrugged my shoulders and said I have nothing to hide so if you must then do it. They kept me hanging on that threat for over an hour. i had nothing on me but I dreaded they might and that experience would be degrading for sure!

I stopped importing until moving delivery address and have since imported via mail only and travelled offshore but fortunately no more drama on my return to NZ. Went straight through customs last time with a kilo of cooking spices (YES TRULY) I had in my bag wishing i had bought a kilo of coke home with me instead LOL!
Not that i would be stupid enough to try importing on my person!

Moral of the story: Never confess to anything, no matter what they throw at you, they are cunning as foxes.

#6 2021-09-17 19:20

Registered: 2021-09-11
Posts: 5

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

Hey gods... when you say Europe do you mean NL ??  Seems like NL orders have all been seized . And I noticed that the vendor MickeymouseNL has bmhad his sales revoked totally but tomandjerry are still going . .

Terribly sorry for your experience with customs . I had the exact same thing . They took my phone and went through it before they would let me even get to the bioscanner thing . Horrible experience.  The power that they have is actually scary . War on substances is a joke . Ket is proven to be a more effective anti depressant than any ssri or snri.

#7 2021-09-18 17:00

Registered: 2021-09-18
Posts: 1

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

nah nothing been a while now any updates? anyone got anything?

#8 2021-09-19 10:20

Registered: 2020-01-25
Posts: 103

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

5 orders of small quantities  not arrived

#9 2021-09-19 11:00

Registered: 2021-07-10
Posts: 60

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

Are these all ordered through TM? I just read about what happened to alphabay, https://darknetdiaries.com/transcript/24/
They sure do a decent job putting the heebie jeebies into people with this and that AN0M shit.

#10 2021-09-19 14:30

Registered: 2021-02-08
Posts: 28

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

jimmybojanggles wrote:

Hey gods... when you say Europe do you mean NL ??  Seems like NL orders have all been seized . And I noticed that the vendor MickeymouseNL has bmhad his sales revoked totally but tomandjerry are still going . .

Terribly sorry for your experience with customs . I had the exact same thing . They took my phone and went through it before they would let me even get to the bioscanner thing . Horrible experience.  The power that they have is actually scary . War on substances is a joke . Ket is proven to be a more effective anti depressant than any ssri or snri.

No I source from another part of Europe (not prepared to say where) , I dont order from NL now after the bad experiences of being pushed ie sent other product, anyway NL is too risky imo

Thanks for your kind words about customs too and fully agree about Ket although it must be used with great caution imo. Yes i gave them my phone and laptop and the passwords to open them, because its an offense not to, I think and was concerned not to give them any more reason to risk arrest.

After about half an hour he came back and knew i was using crypto exchanges and Tor and asked why?

I told him I didn't know it was illegal to buy crypto or to use an internet browser like Tor... and of course he said nothing because it ISN'T!

I refused to give them any details of any password logins (which are securely held) because theres no legal requirement to do so.

#11 2021-09-19 14:30

Registered: 2021-02-08
Posts: 28

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

zac wrote:

Are these all ordered through TM?

Nope not mine and they are getting through customs.

Mostly only buy weed locally on Tor these days, too risky internationally when its cheap and plentiful here.

Last edited by Gods (2021-09-19 14:40)

#12 2021-09-19 20:10

Registered: 2020-01-25
Posts: 103

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

My freind imports small amounts of H for personal use.  But the sudden stop in orders has really messed up physical health . Some people might not understand  but heroin as a painkiller can be fully managed and maintained,  not a single person I met who used heroin was homeless or any other typical stereotype portrayed by the media and USA.  Importing drug is definitely not something  you want to get caught doing but we are left with no other choice. When the market is this dry .
An0m busts left a void that customs quickly closed up as fast as they could and it was obvious  that the next step for law enforcement was  to tighten up at the borders

#13 2021-09-19 22:10

Registered: 2021-09-19
Posts: 1

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

I see MickeyMouseNL has been banned, looks like hes scammed a few too many or customs keep grabbing his gear one or the other

#14 2021-09-20 05:30

Registered: 2021-07-10
Posts: 60

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

Anyone had any international order made on TM come through recently?

#15 2021-09-20 20:40

Registered: 2020-01-25
Posts: 103

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

Don't think so Zac.  Hear uk is the go

#16 2021-09-21 21:00

Registered: 2021-07-10
Posts: 60

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

Don't want to spread FUD, but when Hansa was taken down the admins were caught and cooperated with the police, Hansa was in Europe and they coordinated with the FBI who were about to take down Alphabay so they could catch sellers on Hansa as well as the sellers who'd flock to Hansa after Alphabay was taken down https://darknetdiaries.com/transcript/24/
"While in jail the two men gave up all the passwords and credentials needed to access all parts of the site.  The site had four moderators on it and even they didn’t know a takeover had occurred."

Reduced support staff? Resubmit all support tickets? Putin on the help page (btw erowid.org is blocked in Russia)?

Fuck, I was wondering whether to post this but then I log in and...
Monero on the payment server has become unreliable, even without any changes. Therefore payments are not automated right now and will be processed manually until monero starts working without problems again."

Edit: Reduced support staff message was on 9-12, TormarketSupport's last message on the forums 9-9 http://nzdnmfcf2z5pd3vwfyfy3jhwoubv6qnumdglspqhurqnuvr52khatdad.onion/search.php?action=show_user_posts&user_id=2
Anyone know what date that Putin picture appeared on the help page?

Edit2: hope I'm just being paranoid, there was that recent password change, anyone remember the date that appeared?
https://darknetdiaries.com/transcript/24/ "The authorities wanted to collect as much evidence as they could on those dealers so they could potentially stop them from selling any more.  They first rewrote the code to log all user passwords in clear text. This way they could attempt to reuse those logins on other dark markets and websites.  They found a way to read and log all communication between buyers and sellers while keeping it encrypted.  This would reveal the home address of many of the buyers."
This is just a reason to do -all- communication with vendors with PGP so if a site is compromised you leak less info

Edit3: Actually no that was a bit earlier, start of Sept or so, in response to the hack of that site hosting links. Wouldn't a Putin picture be a sort of symbol of the KGB, like "In Russia road watches you"? TormarketSupport is trying to help us from prison lol.

While I'm worrying about this, isn't tormarket normally a little more coherent and there's a lot of messages recently (not judging them if they're mashed)...
"2021-09-12 Reduced Support - Staff ability to respond to tickets is being effected by the virus."
"If there is a further operational impact, then worst case, all incoming payment methods will be disabled , with just withdrawals for last 7 days following."
"2021-09-20 Monero on the payment server has become unreliable, even without any changes."
What does that mean.
"2021-09-16 Mandatory PGP keys on all accounts will be required soon. Take the time now to obtain the software and learn it so when code updated you can keep making orders."
Harvest PGP keys?

The canary was updated on 9-18 and pgp sig checks out

When I signed up to this forum there was a policy
"New accounts will need to request posting permission by contacting support."
I contacted tormarket support and they activated the account, so if cops ever got access to tor market they could link forum accounts to tor market, we should make separate tor market buyer accounts to make a forum account with because you shouldn't link a secure encrypted system like tor market with a more casual system like a forum (except for vendors who openly link their TM account to their forum account). And if a seller ever sent you a tracking number without using PGP that means cops would have your address if they got access to the server because NZ post would cooperate with them.

Gods wrote:

Discovered they had spys watching my property as a friend had observed them ducking down in their cars to not be seen by me when i went to check my letterbox.

Do you think this might have been to see if someone was using your address as a drop-box

Last edited by zac (2021-09-22 05:30)

#17 2021-09-22 20:20

Registered: 2021-03-23
Posts: 85

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

zac wrote:

Don't want to spread FUD, but when Hansa was taken down the admins were caught and cooperated with the police, Hansa was in Europe and they coordinated with the FBI who were about to take down Alphabay so they could catch sellers on Hansa as well as the sellers who'd flock to Hansa after Alphabay was taken down https://darknetdiaries.com/transcript/24/
"While in jail the two men gave up all the passwords and credentials needed to access all parts of the site.  The site had four moderators on it and even they didn’t know a takeover had occurred."

Reduced support staff? Resubmit all support tickets? Putin on the help page (btw erowid.org is blocked in Russia)?

Fuck, I was wondering whether to post this but then I log in and...
Monero on the payment server has become unreliable, even without any changes. Therefore payments are not automated right now and will be processed manually until monero starts working without problems again."

Edit: Reduced support staff message was on 9-12, TormarketSupport's last message on the forums 9-9 http://nzdnmfcf2z5pd3vwfyfy3jhwoubv6qnumdglspqhurqnuvr52khatdad.onion/search.php?action=show_user_posts&user_id=2
Anyone know what date that Putin picture appeared on the help page?

Edit2: hope I'm just being paranoid, there was that recent password change, anyone remember the date that appeared?
https://darknetdiaries.com/transcript/24/ "The authorities wanted to collect as much evidence as they could on those dealers so they could potentially stop them from selling any more.  They first rewrote the code to log all user passwords in clear text. This way they could attempt to reuse those logins on other dark markets and websites.  They found a way to read and log all communication between buyers and sellers while keeping it encrypted.  This would reveal the home address of many of the buyers."
This is just a reason to do -all- communication with vendors with PGP so if a site is compromised you leak less info

Edit3: Actually no that was a bit earlier, start of Sept or so, in response to the hack of that site hosting links. Wouldn't a Putin picture be a sort of symbol of the KGB, like "In Russia road watches you"? TormarketSupport is trying to help us from prison lol.

While I'm worrying about this, isn't tormarket normally a little more coherent and there's a lot of messages recently (not judging them if they're mashed)...
"2021-09-12 Reduced Support - Staff ability to respond to tickets is being effected by the virus."
"If there is a further operational impact, then worst case, all incoming payment methods will be disabled , with just withdrawals for last 7 days following."
"2021-09-20 Monero on the payment server has become unreliable, even without any changes."
What does that mean.
"2021-09-16 Mandatory PGP keys on all accounts will be required soon. Take the time now to obtain the software and learn it so when code updated you can keep making orders."
Harvest PGP keys?

The canary was updated on 9-18 and pgp sig checks out

When I signed up to this forum there was a policy
"New accounts will need to request posting permission by contacting support."
I contacted tormarket support and they activated the account, so if cops ever got access to tor market they could link forum accounts to tor market, we should make separate tor market buyer accounts to make a forum account with because you shouldn't link a secure encrypted system like tor market with a more casual system like a forum (except for vendors who openly link their TM account to their forum account). And if a seller ever sent you a tracking number without using PGP that means cops would have your address if they got access to the server because NZ post would cooperate with them.

Gods wrote:

Discovered they had spys watching my property as a friend had observed them ducking down in their cars to not be seen by me when i went to check my letterbox.

Do you think this might have been to see if someone was using your address as a drop-box

I get a BAD signature when verifying the tor market PGP signed message on the front page news on from 2021-09-12. Is this also another sign that something is wrong or am I being paranoid?

#18 2021-09-23 00:50

Registered: 2021-07-10
Posts: 60

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

UlrikaMonkey wrote:

I get a BAD signature when verifying the tor market PGP signed message on the front page news on from 2021-09-12. Is this also another sign that something is wrong or am I being paranoid?

I was about to come on here and post that after sleeping on it thinking that the police would take over TorMarket then put up a picture of Putin on the help page plus write multiple updates in semi-standard english is crazy (actually a lot of support messages were like that), can't believe I thought that, and the Monero payment issue is with payouts only, not all Monero payments, sorry if I freaked anyone out https://ifunny.co/picture/5-days-into-meth-and-chill-and-your-wallpaper-gives-WeoumL1X8

But I get a bad signature for that update too.
The bond has a bad signature too, but it was created in 2019.
Might be nice if TormarketSupport would explain or update them. And maybe TormarketSupport would tell us, if I deleted the support message on my account asking for forum account activation, and the message from a seller where they sent me a tracking number unencrypted, and TorMarket was seized by the police or the admin of Torrez found out who you were and kidnapped your daughter ... would those messages still be on the server, or would they be cleaned off the server after a period of time?

Last edited by zac (2021-09-23 01:00)

#19 2021-09-23 02:20

Registered: 2021-09-11
Posts: 5

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

I got a fucky feeling . I don't know a single person that has landed a package,  I heard many orders in the last 2 years just Float on through,  but feels like the users are being hit hard and losing out on product and money also never seen the market  so scattered and all over the showi don't know but I hope we don't loose our local market..  users need their medicine and fuck anyone to try and take that away from us .

#20 2021-09-23 05:10

Registered: 2021-07-10
Posts: 60

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

Come to think of it, if TorMarket was ever seized if you entered your delivery address straight into the box for TM to encrypt with the vendor's PGP pubkey then whoever controlled the server could see who's receiving, but if you do the encryption yourself before entering it then the people controlling the server would only know a sale had occurred. That's a minor deal for personal users but serious for people distributing. Seems a good reason to encrypt addresses (and all communication) sent to vendors.

Last edited by zac (2021-09-23 05:20)

#21 2021-09-28 13:50

Registered: 2021-09-16
Posts: 7

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

still nothing coming overseas to nz?

#22 2021-10-09 13:00

Registered: 2021-02-08
Posts: 28

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

zac wrote:
Gods wrote:

Discovered they had spys watching my property as a friend had observed them ducking down in their cars to not be seen by me when i went to check my letterbox.

Do you think this might have been to see if someone was using your address as a drop-box

No, I believe they were watching for me to collect the mail... and the interaction with customs after that appeared to confirm they knew it was me and I'm "only a user" when they tried to extract a confession that I was importing via mail. They took hours to go through my bags, unbelievably methodical but like I said I NEVER HAVE IMPORTED ON/IN MY PERSON NOR WOULD I.

#23 2021-10-09 13:20

Registered: 2021-10-09
Posts: 1

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

I got my heroin order in the mail today safe as

#24 2021-10-10 12:10

Registered: 2021-02-08
Posts: 28

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

My last order still hasn't arrived after a month however am guessing it's stuck in transit.

#25 2021-10-11 15:10

Registered: 2021-02-08
Posts: 28

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

On a lighter note... I'm sure many of us will relate to this song right now!

WHERE ARE YOU NOW? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdpXxGPqW-Y

#26 2021-10-12 10:20

Registered: 2021-02-08
Posts: 28

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

The Gods heard my plea... yes it has arrived!

Took just over a month instead of usual few weeks so all in all that's excellent considering the international shipping delays smile

#27 2021-10-14 16:00

Registered: 2021-07-10
Posts: 60

Re: Anyone received their international mail??

gypsyjoker wrote:

I got my heroin order in the mail today safe as

Gods wrote:

The Gods heard my plea... yes it has arrived!

Were those ordered on tormarket?

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