#1 2021-10-08 22:00

Registered: 2021-03-23
Posts: 85


I've never tried cocaine but I am curious to see what all the fuss is about. I hear friends and acquaintances mention trying it but say its overrated. In your opinion is this true, or are they just trying weak product. I would assume its likely that most cocaine people use in NZ is significantly cut.

A question for you experienced users, which vendor/s have provided the best product? Gandalf seems to be the most consistent source so I thought I would be best to get from them. Are the prices even worth it? $1500 for 3g from EmpireNZ seems a bit risky for a first time buy, especially considered the listing has only 3 reviews

#2 2021-10-11 15:30

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Cocaine

done a decent amount of coke in EU and a little in NZ, it is overrated I recon but some people, including some of my friends, go totally gaga over it... so it's worth a go if you haven't tried it you might quite like it!

my biggest gripe is it's just too damn short in duration (just around 30-45 mins for me), it's relatively mild in comparison to other stims like the amphetamines and also it's next to impossible to find anything remotely close to pure cocaine, it's always been stood-on at least a few times with various crap including numbing agents to make it appear stronger than it actually is (since proper coke will numb your nose and mouth after a bit). the times i've tried coke in NZ (including some from tormarket) it was in the $300-$500/g range for gear which by EU standards would be "mid grade" coke that goes for like 50 EUR, so there is a premium to pay here for it that's for sure, no idea why that is but I noticed coke is AU is also pricey too.

it's defiantly a more social "going out" and share with mates type of drug, I think. a lot of folks say it's a waste to even do coke unless your also drinking as well due to the cocaethylene effect (cocaine + ethanol = cocaethylene) which definitely does add something extra to the experience, besides from being drunk too.

someone in NZ needs to figure out how to grow a green-house full of coca and bring us the good stuff wink

#3 2021-10-11 23:20

Registered: 2021-09-24
Posts: 25

Re: Cocaine

Xar777 wrote:

my biggest gripe is it's just too damn short in duration (just around 30-45 mins for me)

i think that's its strength, you don't dose and then you're on it for 5 hours, you can just take a hit when you feel like it and be up for a bit, more versatile. but fuck $500/g, i bought 5g off that guy on torrez cocakiwi, what was he $170/g. that's 3times the price. if i ever buy it for $500/g i'll have to iv it

#4 2021-10-12 12:20

Registered: 2021-03-23
Posts: 85

Re: Cocaine

Xar777 wrote:

the times i've tried coke in NZ (including some from tormarket) it was in the $300-$500/g range

someone in NZ needs to figure out how to grow a green-house full of coca and bring us the good stuff wink

Which vendors? Im assuming Gandalf?

And I fully agree on the green house, why are we not doing that???

#5 2021-10-12 12:20

Registered: 2021-03-23
Posts: 85

Re: Cocaine

yeayo wrote:

i bought 5g off that guy on torrez cocakiwi, what was he $170/g. that's 3times the price. if i ever buy it for $500/g i'll have to iv it

I remember that vendor being mentioned. So it was true, was it top quality stuff? sounded too good to be true, and I was confused why they would be selling on Torrez but not on Tor Market??

#6 2021-10-12 22:40

Registered: 2019-07-22
Posts: 38

Re: Cocaine

UlrikaMonkey wrote:
yeayo wrote:

i bought 5g off that guy on torrez cocakiwi, what was he $170/g. that's 3times the price. if i ever buy it for $500/g i'll have to iv it

I remember that vendor being mentioned. So it was true, was it top quality stuff? sounded too good to be true, and I was confused why they would be selling on Torrez but not on Tor Market??

The CocoKiwi gear was bad - mostly benzocaine or similar - gave a buzz but had weird after effects and really hard on the nose. Best so far has been from GandalfsGear - clean and relatively strong (for NZ).
Coke isn't good value for money, but it is a good time - Better off with MDMA or speed if you're after bang-for-buck.

Having had proper "off the block" gear in London - its quite the difference and a pretty amazing time.

#7 2021-10-13 11:50

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Cocaine

hah yeah good point about the duration yeayo, my junky brain just goes: longer duration = being high for longer = more value for $
I would take a fat line of speed over coke any day of the week wink

the tormarket stuff I had was from NZLDD and was about a year ago now, it was what I would call "mid grade" but it was definitely coke so can't fault the service from NZLDD! I only brought it cause a friend was gagging at the bit for some coke and was willing to pay the price (think it was either $450 or $500 from memory). I feel like maybe the people buying at this price are for like stag-do's and such where a bunch of people chip in and it doesn't really matter too much about the ludicrous price tag.

by far my best coke experience was in the south of Spain, I believe this is where a lot of it comes into the EU so it has passed over less hands at that point. it was "fishscale" quality and had this beautiful shiny/pearly color to it and was slightly waxy/oily. fuck that gear was so so good, even just a little ~20mg bump had me really up and basically no come-down, I would probably pay $500/g for something of that quality but I have never seen anything like that anywhere else in the world, it only cost me 80EUR too..

#8 2021-10-13 20:10

Registered: 2021-09-24
Posts: 25

Re: Cocaine

Blurple wrote:

The CocoKiwi gear was bad - mostly benzocaine or similar - gave a buzz but had weird after effects and really hard on the nose. Best so far has been from GandalfsGear - clean and relatively strong (for NZ).
Coke isn't good value for money, but it is a good time - Better off with MDMA or speed if you're after bang-for-buck.

Having had proper "off the block" gear in London - its quite the difference and a pretty amazing time.

it was the second time i had tried coke in my life the first being 15 years ago so i had nothing to compare it to, i heard ppl say that cocakiwi's stuff got worse as time went on and the first shit he sold was quite good. maybe he was selling on torrez cos tormarket didn't have monero at the time, and apparently he moved quite a bit

Last edited by yeayo (2021-10-13 20:10)

#9 2021-10-15 11:10

Registered: 2021-10-15
Posts: 1

Re: Cocaine

This is my first post after watching posts for a long time.

Recently have come to the conclusion that no local NZ Tor vendors supply unadulterated coke nor do the offshore vendors on Tor.

Just tried REAL coke for the very first time ever. Even though have dabbled in small amounts with many sources of 'so called coke' on and off from time to time over the years.

Finally secured a reliable source for small supplies from offshore that is the genuine goods and now understand the difference between crap coke and real coke.

the real stuff looks like fishscale under microscope and has the layers you cannot reproduce by repressing after cutting with adulterants. It truly looks like SNOW when chopped, think snowflakes, it fluffs up and you only need small lines 10mg to keep you hummin.

It IS like candy for the nose, not that harsh shit I've had that gives you a lift but then screws you over afterwards.
This gives a nice clean clear high. The only downside is it's incredibly moorish tendency.

Yes have bought from locals like GG, NZLDD and offshore ie Mickey Mouse etc,etc on Tor and whilst sometimes it's not too bad it really aint even a shade of the real thing now that I know what real coke is like.

Also tried cocakiwi gear from another platform not Tor (before they exitscammed) and finally realise it wasn't real unadulterated coke as it was made out to be.
I wondered why it had a long onset before the full effects arrived, now i know it was mostly something else other than coke.

fyi I don't deal so you wont see any of the real stuff for sale from me.

Tor is generally good for weed and sometimes ok for other goods (except coke) but it's hit and miss much of the time. btw don't throw your money away ordering from NL, customs seem to catch many mail imports from that destination it seems.

Good luck out there, it's a dirty business at the street level and Tor has proven to me to be the dark webs street level when it comes to Coke.

Last edited by Illusion (2021-10-15 11:10)

#10 2021-10-22 19:20

Registered: 2021-10-22
Posts: 7

Re: Cocaine

Man, please share with me how to find that real stuff here like you get overseas, I even went as far as learning the chemistry and making it here from coca leaves imported as green tea via australia but that contact has dried up after about a year.

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