#51 2021-10-29 22:50

Registered: 2019-07-15
Posts: 2

Re: Anyone seen or heard from NZLDD?

This is vendor is one of the most reliable on the market.
Always sending, always replying. And the only mmcat seller here.
He took a risk bringing this stuff in so we can have fun and we really appreciate that.

Yes, this particular stuff is not the best. It has unusual colour and very strong smell which probably means it hasn't been washed properly. It's flour-like rather than crystal-based. But it's the only we can buy safely inside the country and it gives proper high. Adding vendor's reliability and great communication into the mix and we get exactly what we need.

We're not in Europe so we get what we get.

The only issue we had was when the vendor just started selling mmcat (March? can't recall really). We were probably one of the first to buy 1g, and what we received was grind kind-of-mdma, not potent via nose at all and similar to what it's like when sniffing mdma, white-pink colour too. We used mmcat before a lot so we know it wasn't it. We told the vendor our thoughts but he didn't believe us I guess. So we decided we're not gonna order anymore.
Some time later though we came across good reviews which also were mentioning brown colour so we tried again as it seemed to be different stuff. We were right, this new stuff was actually 4mmcat! So we've been ordering happily ever after.

Thank you vendor!

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