#1 2021-11-14 18:50

Registered: 2019-06-12
Posts: 51

Dear vendors, a guide to make a lot of money with little investment

we don't really have many local vendors selling this stuff, and most of them sell pharma products.

this is probably because they have no idea how easy it is to brew and how much more profitable it is.

so i'll start with a single external link: purplepandalabs.com

PPL sells raws wholesale and ships to nz. if you don't know much about PPL, their stealth is beyond like anything you've seen on a darknet market. they have extensive experience shipping into nz and hold a 95% success rate for our borders, albeit lower than their 99 and 98% for most countries, 95 is still a good number. their stealth is so exceptional that you might not be able to find your product, and you'll have to contact their customer support for instructions on how to find it. one of their policies is that they do not reship product if you throw away the box thinking you haven't received an item. it's literally that hidden. this is why you choose them for your supplier. other suppliers have even better prices, and more product range, but PPL's stealth is unmatched by any other darknet vendor or supplier. they're so confident in their stealth they offer free reships for any seizures.

i've had a ton of success with PPL into NZ and if you want to google their reputation you'll find they are infact very well known and legitimate, and i'm no pandashill. beware for fake websites. there are many imposters pretending to be PPL. they only have one website.

now, onto their inventory. you're not interested in any sections apart from the stealth international raws section.
brewing steroids from raw powder is very easy, it's almost like baking a cake. just a few utensils and legal precursors (apart from the PPL supplied raws) required. PPL actually stocks all of the necessary precursors and equipment aswell, but i'd recommend buying them from a legal website since they're more expensive from PPL. i won't teach you how to brew because you can find 1000 guides on google, but it's very very easy.

if we look at PPL, using basic testosterone as an example you'll see you can get 100grams of raw testosterone enanthate powder for 100 USD. making 10mL vials at 200mg/mL, that's 50 vials you'll be able to create from your 100 USD of testosterone raws (excluding minor costs for equipment and other precursors). to put this into perspective, those 10mL vials are now worth 60-80 dollars. each. that's over 2000% profit.

using an even easier to prepare example for the most lazy vendors: their dianabol, cialis, and viagra raw powders have similar markups, even better in some cases. you don't even need to brew these. you just measure the powder into caps. they're oral. they stock many oral compounds alongside injectable compounds.

i'd do this myself but i don't need money. i just need steroids, and i can't be arsed waiting a month for them to arrive. so could one of you kindly make some money, please? thanks

Last edited by mekkerx (2021-11-14 19:30)

#2 2021-11-26 21:50

Registered: 2021-11-26
Posts: 2

Re: Dear vendors, a guide to make a lot of money with little investment

Definately a lot of people requesting steroids lately and no sources. After some myself too.

Mekkerx, out of interest - have you ever ordered finished products, vials or orals from PPL? Any success? Any for finished products there stealth is supposed to be pretty good but NZ...

#3 2021-11-27 11:10

Registered: 2021-11-26
Posts: 2

Re: Dear vendors, a guide to make a lot of money with little investment

Would be worth having a look in the vendor request section, Gucci store posted a thread asking what people want stocked a couple of months ago so that'd give you an idea across a few responses already.

But, popular standards would be;
Testosterone Enanthate (Test P too, but definitely Test E). Everyone will always need Test.
Tren A and Tren E
Mast P and Mast E

(Others too depends how varied you get)

Always need ancillaries too;
Aromasin or Arimidex or both

Above are all popular basics but I'm sure others might input

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