#1 2021-12-05 16:10

Registered: 2020-08-14
Posts: 47

When can they open domestic parcels?

Is domestic parcel 99% safe if they suspect you are getting items off the deepweb can they start intercepting your mail? Would they need a search warrant or?

Has anyone had domestic parcel opened or seized?

#2 2021-12-05 17:10

Registered: 2020-11-29
Posts: 27

Re: When can they open domestic parcels?

The only way this would happen is if the parcel absolutely reeks of marijuana, and they would need a warrant to inspect the contents.

#3 2021-12-09 13:40

Registered: 2021-09-19
Posts: 10

Re: When can they open domestic parcels?

Liquid coming out of the parcel, broken packaging/post satchel, the thing reeks of drugs.

#4 2021-12-09 13:50

Registered: 2021-08-27
Posts: 19

Re: When can they open domestic parcels?

Unless it stinks of something they cant really open it. Although I read a few articles about police getting tipped off about drugs being sent from a certain person and being able to open the parcels. So unless your under investigation or it stinks of drugs it wont be seized

#5 2021-12-09 22:40

Registered: 2020-08-14
Posts: 47

Re: When can they open domestic parcels?

Yeah thats what i mean fullyhectic if they suspect you are ie they are investigating you. If they can just open it or would they require a warrant....

#6 2021-12-10 23:00

Registered: 2021-08-27
Posts: 19

Re: When can they open domestic parcels?

Shit sorry should have read your post properly lol. And for domestic parcels they'd need a warrant im pretty sure. I have had parcels seized internationally before and had to talk to the police about it before, then kept ordering domestically under the same name and have been fine, no mail tampered with or anything.

#7 2021-12-10 23:10

Registered: 2020-08-14
Posts: 47

Re: When can they open domestic parcels?

Same name and address? Yeah I think so too that theyd need a warrant.One of my mates everyone knows that he sent the stuff by mail and the cops didnt open it until he told them about it... then they opened it...

#8 2021-12-11 22:50

Registered: 2021-11-17
Posts: 6

Re: When can they open domestic parcels?

Quick answer; domestic is 99% safe. Cops can search without a warranty if they suspect drugs, similar to searching a car/person.

Long answer; It really depends on the amount you are ordering, if personal you can open straight away. The cops are not going to put any real effort into monitoring as you can always deny. They can't prove you ordered even if in your name unless they spend a sht load of time investigating (searching your home, computers, cell phones etc) it is just not worth their time, they are more interested in the supplier.

If you are ordering supply amounts, this is a different story.....

#9 2021-12-13 00:30

Registered: 2020-08-14
Posts: 47

Re: When can they open domestic parcels?

thisperson what allows them to suspect drugs? would a hunch be one or do you mean like smelling drugs?

#10 2021-12-13 15:20

Registered: 2021-11-17
Posts: 6

Re: When can they open domestic parcels?

Hey mate, it wouldn't be on a hunch as it would be the courier company that finds the drugs, and they'll contact the police. The courier company would find it either by smell or if the package rips open and they see it. Most of the vendors on here are awesome and have great stealth etc so you would have to be so unlucky for either of those to happen.

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