#1 2022-02-03 23:40

Registered: 2021-09-24
Posts: 25


Anyone considered gathering and selling amanitas, I only tried then once when i saw some randomly but it was interesting, different from psilocybin containing shrooms, minimal nausea. would be happy to try them again but not sure where to find them

#2 2022-02-04 10:50

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Amanitas

I have some experience with these strange mushrooms!

Fair warning though, the Amanita family of mushrooms are HIGHLY TOXIC and can kill you!!! Be careful.

Firstly, don't buy them, they grow like crazy in pine forests (here in the north island anyway, not sure about the south island). Just wait for the mushroom season to start and go have a look around any pine tree's, you'll likely get more than you can possible ever want.

The one you want is specifically is Amanita Muscaria it's very distinctive and hard to miss, bright red with white flakes and they can grow pretty big too. Eating these raw, even a small amount will make you pretty sick and can easily kill you. You must prepare these mushrooms with heat to destroy/convert the more toxic components. I used an oven for this and you basically turn them into very dry/brittle buttons which can be powderized and made into a tea which I think is the best method of ingestion and results in little nausea (you can filter the powder from the tea too). The actives seem to be concentrated in the skin so you can actually throw away the stalks and gills before drying them for a stronger product.

Start really low with the dry powder, like one teaspoon max at first to see how you tolerate it.

As for the high, it's a real weird one... I found at lower doses it's actually quite a nice little pick me up. At higher doses it becomes much more sedating and you can enter into a kind of surreal dream like state which can be nice if you get the dose just right. Go higher and you'll enter into delirium and get some messed up things happening to your bodily functions.. don't recommend this at all. Be safe with Amanita she will fuck you up nicely if you don't respect her!

#3 2022-02-04 15:50

Registered: 2021-09-24
Posts: 25

Re: Amanitas

thx for the info. i had a similar experience, slightly sleepy, verging on entering a bit of a trance dreamlike state. fwiw I blended the amanitas, entire raw mushroom including stalk, in a blender with vodka then filtered the mixture and drank the amanita martini. there was so much water content in the mushroom that the final mixture must have been something like 10-15% alcohol.

Last edited by yeayo (2022-02-04 15:50)

#4 2022-02-11 11:40

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 122

Re: Amanitas

You have a good stomach! I ate a very small one raw once while foraging as an experiment, just munched it up right off the stalk and it was not too unpleasant but soon after I starting feeling quite ill and we all had to sit down and have an emergency sesh and a slight mini panic-attack about poisoning myself, but I didn't vomit after-all and I was fine and we went on to find like 100 caps plus a few of the blue kind too!

The process of drying them and making tea or even cooking them definitely does seem to remove the noxious components, in some parts of the world it's actually used as a traditional food and medicine (but always cooked or prepared someway I believe). There is a lot of stigma around this fungus I think. I actually came to like the taste of the tea after a while it's got a rank smell and the smell when drying is really bad but the actual taste is kinda savory and pleasant IMO.

Interestingly, from wikipedia: "Muscimol is one of the principal psychoactive constituents of Amanita muscaria and related species of mushroom. Muscimol is a potent, selective agonist for the GABA receptors". This makes total sense being a GABA agonist, the closet thing I could relate amanita experience to is something like pregabalin (but very different in many aspects as well).

For reference I think my one teaspoon of dried powder was around 2-3 medium sized mushroom caps. To get to the "mystical" level of high I needed around 6 teaspoons of powder so this is actually quite alot of mushrooms to get enough of the Muscimol! In saying that there seems to be huge variance in potency, I think maybe the smaller caps that have not yet flattened out are actually stronger, so as always with your free-range drugs, start low when you make a new batch!

All this talk of amanita has me thinking of them again after not using them for many many years.. I had kinda put them in the very interesting but probably wont bother again category... hmm will probably be back in the pine forests this autumn wink

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