#1 2022-03-14 22:40

Registered: 2022-02-08
Posts: 1

Suboxone!!! an uncapitalized market

Hey all. Wondering if any vendor would source and sell suboxone?
I reckon it would definitely be a good product to move as many of us opioid enjoyers would definitely find peace of mind being able to have this stuff on hand. Don't ever plan on being in a situation where I would need it but definitely would like to have it just in case ya know.
Would be good as a vendor knowing the product you ship is quite literally SAVING LIVES and keeping family and friends from the grief of loosing someone to an opioid overdose ):

Please someone consider this. Would have a monopoly too as I haven't seen domestic suboxone ever on the tor market and only very rarely on the street.

#2 2022-03-15 17:30

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 254

Re: Suboxone!!! an uncapitalized market

I second this! I would definitely buy some of this to keep on hand - As long as it was reasonably priced.

#3 2022-03-15 22:20

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 254

Re: Suboxone!!! an uncapitalized market

Not particularly interested in Narcan as I do not really ever have enough opiates on me to OD. Although it is something good to hand on hand whether it is for yourself or others. Nasal spray would be preferred. Approx how much are you thinking $ wise?

#4 2022-03-16 18:10

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 254

Re: Suboxone!!! an uncapitalized market

FarmerJohn wrote:

I don't use opiates so excuse my ignorance, but why do you want Suboxone but have little interest in Naloxone? Suboxone is just a mixture of Buprenorphine and Naloxone, based on what OP said I had presumed they were used for the same purpose. Is it just the case that Suboxone is more used to avoid withdrawals and Naloxone is used to bring you back from an OD?

I could get Naloxone on its own and Buprenorphine on its own, if that's any help, but I'm not seeing a mixture of both available from my supplier.

Hard to say price at this point, but I'm all for harm reduction and wouldn't over charge for it.

Nah no worries, I think I am being a bit ignorant here myself and need to do a bit more research. But this is my understanding right now:

Suboxone - I would use for opiate withdrawals if I had been taking a lot of opiates at a high frequency. Right now, I am a regularly frequent user (Usage is 2-4 times/weekly) with a high tolerance but never get to a point where I get major withdrawals when I stop using.

Narcan - As far as I am aware is what you want to have on hand for someone to effectively bring you back from the dead if you OD. This would usually be caused by heroin/fentanyl due to their strength. Alternatively, mixing a large enough amount of opiates with downers such as benzos/alcohol. Even though I have a high tolerance, I am pretty careful with my opiate intake. But as a regular opiate user I do think this is a good thing to have on hand just in case. Its the old saying - Rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.

Anyway, that is my take on it. Happy to hear feedback or be corrected by someone who knows a bit more than me!

#5 2022-03-16 20:40

Registered: 2021-01-06
Posts: 290

Re: Suboxone!!! an uncapitalized market

The naloxone is there to discourage injection of it mostly, although some say it is to block other opioids, this is mostly done by the buprenorphine as it bonds so strongly to theopioid receptors that it stops you getting high off other things while it remains in your system. Thats why its preferred to methadone as it stops the withdrawal of heroin etc but cant be used in conjunction with it. Thats also the problem for recreational poly-drug users!

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