#1 2022-05-18 02:30

Registered: 2021-02-19
Posts: 42

Domestic Travel and pressed MDMA Pills

Looking to get some MDMA for a upcoming trip, I won't be leaving NZ so it'll be domestic travel via plane. Anyone have experience travelling with MD? Whats the best way to get it through security?


Last edited by SnakeVenom (2022-05-18 02:40)

#2 2022-05-18 04:20

Registered: 2022-05-16
Posts: 12

Re: Domestic Travel and pressed MDMA Pills

Carried 50 acid trips domestic. Carried cannabis domestic carried meth domestic. Carried pills domestic and md powder coke etc.

Its easy bro. just stash on ya body or use micropore tape and tape bag the pills in around your thigh, inner part.. best place.

#3 2022-05-18 18:40

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 254

Re: Domestic Travel and pressed MDMA Pills

Yeah I have gear on me pretty much every time I fly domestic. If it is a pressed pharma pill, literally just put it in an old pill bottle that you got for some reason or the other and it can go in your checked/carry on baggage. If it is powder, I double bag it so it is a square the size of maybe 20mm x 20mm. Then I go round it a couple times with black duct tape. From there I either put it in the little pocket some pants have on the inside by your crotch. If you do not have that then can go in your sock, tucked in the sole of your foot (Make sure you are not walking weird through security though big_smile).

In the past I have actually capped up 4g of mephedrone into like 6 caps (Really got to pack the fuck out of the caps), then put that in a pill bottle.

All of the above are reasonably extreme, but I would prefer to do that than get caught. Not only your holiday ruined and drugs lost, but police charges which can have a downstream affect on your entire life.

If you are not traveling to/from one of the main centers you will not even be going through xrays and so you can just put it in your pocket.

#4 2022-05-18 21:20

Registered: 2021-05-26
Posts: 20

Re: Domestic Travel and pressed MDMA Pills

I've just been wondring the same thing.... Why is there enven drugs dogs at the dometic airports anyway? Does the AVSEC.CAA have some extra powers to serch you??

I cant see why you would get searched on a bus eg intericty but why is it ok for a plane.

#5 2022-05-22 17:40

Registered: 2021-02-19
Posts: 42

Re: Domestic Travel and pressed MDMA Pills

Cheers for the answers, I should mention the quantity will only be like 3-6 pills max so nothing big, I am thinking about just getting a supplement bottle with a bunch of other vitamins and chucking them in there with my checked luggage in a jacket pocket or something.

I'm going from one major airport to another so from quick research no matter the method I take(Carry on or checked luggage) it'll be getting xrayed. Would rather deal with the consequences at my destination rather than missing my flight.

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