#1 2022-06-10 11:00

Registered: 2019-11-20
Posts: 74

Buyers who don't submit feedback, why?

Just a light-hearted question. I see more finalised orders than feedback on most vendor accounts.

The answer is probably as boring is can't be fucked or repeat orders that would only cause repeat reviews but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  idk I guess I'm wondering if there's some OPSEC reason

#2 2022-06-10 20:30

Registered: 2021-06-17
Posts: 4

Re: Buyers who don't submit feedback, why?

I usually don't post feedback until I've had a chance to try the goods, and then sometimes kinda just forget.
Also Usually only post feedback if it's good, have had bad experience with leaving slightly negative reviews, can't trust some of these thin skinned vendors who can't take criticism, they do have my address after all.
Unless something went terribly wrong like no ship or totally bunk product then they need to be called out.

#3 2022-06-11 13:30

Verified Vendor
Registered: 2019-03-31
Posts: 716

Re: Buyers who don't submit feedback, why?

Suppose the vendor was fast at posting, product was good, but they ignore all your messages or have poor communication. The situation is a lot more complicated then a simple 3 option rating.

The feedback system has never had any improvements since it was created.
Potential improvements could be three or more categories on a 0-5 scale. ie Communication responsiveness, communication helpfulness, order processing speed, Quality, Value, product expectations (matches desc/photo), Packaging, Opsec ability

#4 2022-06-12 01:00

Registered: 2021-12-16
Posts: 254

Re: Buyers who don't submit feedback, why?

kdburn3r wrote:

I usually don't post feedback until I've had a chance to try the goods, and then sometimes kinda just forget.
Also Usually only post feedback if it's good, have had bad experience with leaving slightly negative reviews, can't trust some of these thin skinned vendors who can't take criticism, they do have my address after all.
Unless something went terribly wrong like no ship or totally bunk product then they need to be called out.

Yeah I agree with you here with regards to the vendors having our addresses. I think it is safe to assume there are a variety of vendors on Tor Market, most of which fall under the following categories:

1 - An independent operator that imports/sources a reasonably large amount of product and then split into smaller portions to sell. Therefore, accruing a profit margin. I would assume product is either sourced locally or imported (But in quantities no more than 50-100g at a time).

2 - A group/syndicate of multiple people with specific jobs pertaining to their operation. Usually you can tell which vendors fall into this category by their profile description and large amount of finaliized orders each month. I would assume most of their product is imported in large quantities (Such as 0.5-1kg+).

3 - Gang members or associates that sell on the street as well as Tor Market (Usually meth or weed). Probably source product through multiple methods (Shitty clandestine chemists, ganking/theft, importation).     

With that in mind, it is vendors that fall under 2 and especially 3 that you need to worry about. In saying that, I am so sick of the bullshit vendors have been pulling over the last 6-12 months that I have been giving detailed shit feedback as well as posting on these forums to warn other customers. Enough is enough! Dealing drugs, especially through the use of Tor Market is not hard at all and a lot of vendors need to pull their head in. With some of the run ins I have had with certain vendors I am surprised they actually have the intelligence to even make it onto Tor Market, set themselves up as a vendor and use encryption!

We are very fortunate that we have an NZ focused DNM that is legitimate and the Tor Market admin(s) are onto it and and helpful. It has saved my ass and $ on many an occasion.

#5 2022-06-22 22:40

Registered: 2021-02-19
Posts: 42

Re: Buyers who don't submit feedback, why?

Only haven't reviewed 1 product i've purchased which were some marijuana seeds, plans fell through and never used them, hence no review.

#6 2022-06-23 02:00

Registered: 2022-02-12
Posts: 84

Re: Buyers who don't submit feedback, why?

I don't normally leave feedback, normally the trade is fine and good and there's nothing to add

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